Save farms during severe droughts
Save Farms and Ranches During Severe Droughts
A2WH Air extraction water harvest device –
Farmers spend their entire lives building equity in their farm little by little. Their entire wealth is quite often tied up in the land and animals they run on that land. Even successful farms run on slim margins so when if they have to cut the number of animals they keep they can have a difficult time paying their operating costs and loans.
The problem with drought is that it can force farmers to sell of their animals at distressed prices which end up costing the farmer all or most of their equity in the farm while at the same time as putting them at risk of not being able to make the next season’s bank payments. This is a better choice than allowing the animals suffer and die due to lack of water but it can still result in a financial tragedy.
A2WH can provide an adequate amount of water to keep the farmers animals alive even without having to sell off at distressed prices. The water from A2WH is many times more expensive than farmers normally pay for agriculture water but when it is a decision between loosing the equity the farmer has worked for decades to build and paying the cost for A2WH water then the A2WH prices are very compelling.
In New Zealand where they are already experiencing one in 20 year droughts experts are predicting and increase in severe droughts over the next 75 years.
A2WH can help farmers who are at risk from terrible droughts keep their farms and ranches going during the worst drought. This will position them for increased profits when the climates mature and even more importantly can help them protect their families economic future.
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(C) A2WH.COM – Oct 2005 – All rights Reserved
This discussion contains forward looking statements which are based on current expectations and differences can be expected. All statements and expressions are the opinion of management of A2WH and are not meant to be either investment advice or a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. Many of these statements are based on sound economic reasoning, however actual response of the economy is heavily influenced by politics and large business and so the outcome could end up substantially different.