Air Solar Water & Rain Capture

Ease Water Scarcity around the work using Rain Capture

Modeling Water flow using DEM (Digital Elevation Models)

Water flow Analysis showing where micro Check dams can be located Grey areas show where water can be captured using micro-check dams so every major storm will refill the  reservoir. Dark lines represent large water flow areas were larger professionally engineered  dams are needed and are likely riparian zones. White areas are those where this…

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Improve Economic Prospects for Poor Rural Farmers

Small village farmers on Mauritius and Rodrigues Islands have been forced by water scarcity  to reduce the amount of land they can cultivate by 2/3  In some instances they have been forced to purchase expensive water from retailers bringing it around on carts. This has reduced their farm income and pushes them closer to poverty….

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Micro-Capture to increase food production in dryland areas

This article discusses a low cost way to increase the food production on desert and degraded lands while reducing the impact of droughts.  This is accomplished without increasing demand for ground water and can even help recharge the local aquifer.  This is accomplished by maximizing water retention on the land where rain water falls so…

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Farmer Suicide driven by accumulated debt from failed crops, drought and desertification

43.7 billion RS liability from farmer suicides in India can be prevented. Farmer suicides in India are well publicized but we have seen similar conditions all over the world including the Nagev desert and Africa.     The underlying debt problem is often aggravated by a combination of soil degradation,  drought, water scarcity,  mono-crops and expensive GMO seeds….

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Grow Dryland reverse desertfication, provide food, improve economics

Restore degraded and desertified land without Increasing Ground water demand Desertification is difficult but solvable Desertification is essentially degradation of soil so it can not longer support viable crops.  This is often complicated by reduced amount of water caused by dropping aquifer’s, drought and altered rainfall patterns caused by climate change.  It can be further…

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Drought & Famine Mitigation in Arid Regions  Jan 2006 –  All Rights Reserved Around the world there is a lot of desert land that could be viable for agriculture but where there is inadequate water available to support the plant growth. We explore in this paper if it would be cost effective to reclaim some of this land using the Air…

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