Air Solar Water & Rain Capture

Ease Water Scarcity around the work using Rain Capture

During Extended Emergency Water filters are not Enough | emergency water supply

In the article “8 Fastest Ways to purify water” posted on the urban survival site Alan does a good job of explaining different water purification options.  Many articles cover why water is essential to survival so suffice to say you need water and can only survive a few days without it. Surface water degrades quickly Filters…

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Drought & Famine Mitigation in Arid Regions  Jan 2006 –  All Rights Reserved Around the world there is a lot of desert land that could be viable for agriculture but where there is inadequate water available to support the plant growth. We explore in this paper if it would be cost effective to reclaim some of this land using the Air…

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Help Dry Cities Mitigate impact of Global Warming

Mitigate impact of Global Warming on Dry Cities A2WH solution harvests the water humidity in the air and converts that humidity into super clean liquid water. This can be done from personal sized units that yield a few gallons per day up through large scale infrastructure producing billions of gallons per year. All air even…

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Mitigate risks for Cities in water stressed regions

Mitigate risks for Cities in water stressed regions Water risk for cities comes in two main forms The first is from inadequate water supplies to meet the demands from their citizens. The potable water version of A2WH can help with this problem but is normally applied after all other legal and ethical alternatives have been…

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Atlanta Georgia drought and the future

Why Atlanta should care now The great drought of 2007 has eased for the Atlanta area so much of the public attention has abated. The reality is that Atlanta and several other southern cities are living beyond their water budget. They face economic decline if new housing and development falls so they are strongly motivated…

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AWG allows industrial growth

A2WH allows industrial growth essential for job growth A2WH.COM ( Air to Water Harvest technology . The rule for killing poverty There is a simple rule. To decrease poverty new job opportunities are required. To increase job opportunities new businesses need to start in or move into the area. For new businesses to move into the…

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Help California meet increasing demand for water

A2WH can help California continue to meet the rapidly increasing demand for power and water California is facing many water related difficulties over the next 10 years some of which could become serious quickly in another significant drought hits California has several major cities that are already chronically short of water. Environmental concerns and associated…

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Water Table Restoration

Water Table Restoration Air Solar Water is a  AWG (Atmospheric Water Generator) or Air extraction water harvest device Water table failures can occur at worst As we have seen during the last several years in India, Darfar in the Sudan and Ethiopia pulling excess water from a water table substantially increases the risk of contamination….

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Increase USA Drought Resilience using Air Solar Water Technology

Those of us living in the USA have for many years seen the re-occurring famine strike areas like Ethiopia where insufficient water has caused their crops to fail and natural vegetation to die off.    Unfortunately it appears that the risk of this kind of disastrous event is spreading into new parts of the world including…

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