Air Solar Water & Rain Capture

Ease Water Scarcity around the work using Rain Capture

Protected: Water is not Cheap, Lack of Water is expensive impact on Sudan

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Save farms during severe droughts

Save Farms and Ranches During Severe Droughts A2WH Air extraction water harvest device  – Farmers spend their entire lives building equity in their farm little by little. Their entire wealth is quite often tied up in the land and animals they run on that land.  Even successful farms run on slim margins so when if…

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America can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by millions of tons per year

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions After this post was written we developed grow dryland which may be even more important for reducing greenhouse gas emissions or at least offsetting them with sequestration and massive bio-fuel enablement.     Grow dryland can start trees on land where there is nothing but sand without increasing demand on local…

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